Bienvenue au potager bio

Au fil des mois ce blog déroulera le calendrier des travaux et des récoltes du potager. Les productions sont écoulées au travers de l'AMAP de Petit-Moindou.

lundi 28 juillet 2014

Portrait de producteur.

Evelyne Gorohouna, tribu de Ouaté, Pouemboutproductrice de légumes, fruits et tubercules

Pourquoi le bio ? : pour produire sainement dans le respect de l'environnement.

Vous tavaillez avec qui ? : mon mari et mon fils.

Journée type ? : tous les matins, je vais au champ à pied de la maison. J'irrigue les cultures manuellement, fais des repiquages et des semis.

Circuit de vente ? : à Biomonde, à la classe verte pendant les périodes scolaires et quelques paniers à des consommateurs de VKPP.

Petit plus du métier ? : écoulement facile des produits .

Petit moins du métier ? : pas de moyen de transport.

Votre satisafaction personnelle ? : l'aide d'un producteur de Gohapin pour effectuer le travail du sol avec son tracteur et mon eau gratuite par un captage.

Rôle que vous jouez localement ? : je suis intervenante bio à la classe verte, je sensibilise les enfants et les maitres à l'agriculture biologique, je vulgarise le système de buttes permanentes.

Conseil à un jeune qui s'installe ? : faites comme nous car nous pouvons gagner notre vie en restant en tribu.

Comment voyez vous l'avenir de l'agriculture ? : développement par les femmes et je suis heureuse d'entendre mon fils me dire « je veux que tu me donnes un champ ».


lundi 21 juillet 2014

Panique sur le marché mondial du chou palmier (kale).

Kale suppliers say rapid rise of vegetable's popularity is leading to worldwide shortage

Updated Sat 19 Jul 2014, 10:50am AEST

One of the world's major kale seed suppliers says it has run out of every variety of the trendy vegetable.

"You could describe it as embarrassing to us, but it's just one of those things that's happened on a global basis," Tony Hubbard from Bejo Seeds, which is based in the Netherlands, said.

"It's caught us out well and truly, we put our hands up to that."

Mr Hubbard runs the company's Australian office and has been in the seed business for 44 years.

He says while he has seen individual vegetable varieties take off, he has never seen a whole crop boom like kale has.

Farmers have also been struggling to keep up with demand for kale, which is a member of the cabbage family.

Fifth generation growers Deborah and Darren Corrigan planted 1,500 seedlings a couple of years ago as a trial, after watching the vegetable take off in the United States.

They are now putting in 150,000 every week at their Clyde property, south-east of Melbourne.

"It was crazy," Ms Corrigan said.

"I was ringing around Australia to try and get plants to bring back into Victoria to grow."

Ms Corrigan says they have been going to extreme efforts to ensure a healthy supply of the vegetable known as a "superfood".

"We were adding extra fertiliser, we were doing everything we can," she said.

"It was really exciting but really scary at the same time."

Australia's biggest kale growers says its popularity is off the charts

The Corrigans are among the biggest growers of kale in the country, supplying both the major supermarkets.

They grow three types - green curly kale, red curly kale and the flatter-leaved Tuscan kale.

Brad Gorman, who runs the Coles Fresh Produce division, says he has also been surprised by the response.

"Kale's growth has been off the charts. It is by far our fastest growing product," he said.

"Kale's been around for three years and for a product to be growing at this rate after that amount of time I think is almost unprecedented."

While kale is a novelty for many Australians, it is not a new crop.

Until the Middle Ages the frost tolerant green was the most widely eaten vegetable in much of Europe and has remained a staple in some countries including the Netherlands and Germany.

"It's one of the main vegies in the winter," long-time kale grower Joh Bruynen said.

"It can be harvested right through the winter. You take the snow off the bush and shake it and then you cut it off."

Kale pioneer waited for decades for the vegetable's health benefits to be confirmed

Joh Bruynen is one of the pioneers of kale in Australia importing his first seeds from the Netherlands, where he was born, in 1956.

"I had trouble selling it because they didn't know what it was," the 83-year-old said.

"I brought it to the market and the butchers bought it to decorate their shops because it looked like parsley which they used in between the meat."

His son Steve Bruynen has taken over the family's market garden at Pearcedale in Victoria and has no such trouble finding buyers.

"I've had to drop growing red cabbage and leeks have gone because I need the ground to grow the kale," he said.

While the Bruynens have been fans of kale for decades, they did not know how rich the vegetable is in anti-oxidants and important minerals until a few years ago.

And it is kale's reputation as a very healthy food that has sparked the current boom and shortage of seeds.

Mr Hubbard says he hopes more seeds will be available by September or October.

For more on this story watch Landline at noon on ABC.

jeudi 3 juillet 2014


Dans le dernier panier, c'est une petite botte de moutarde:
- couper en lanières,
- remplir un bocal,
- couvrir de gros sel, fermer,
- mettre au frigo une semaine,
- rincer, égoutter,
- couvrir d'un bon vinaigre, fermer,
- conserver au frigo.
(adaptation libre d'une recette asiatique).

mercredi 2 juillet 2014

Session de formation bio à Petit-Moindou.

Voici quelques images de la session de formation qui vient de se dérouler à Petit-Moindou avec des producteurs calédoniens intéressés par le bio, venus de Koumac, Koné, Pouembout, Houaïlou, Poya, Ponérihouen, Farino et Moindou.
Le programme.
Le tour des champs.
Réalisation d'une "butte sandwich".
Broyage de branches vertes pour le compost.
Distribution des paniers AMAP.